Bobby's Artistry
Dark Phoenix Model
This is my first attempt at character modeling. I am creating a 3D model of Dark Phoenix using Famke Janssen as my reference model, since she did play Dark Phoenix in the third X-men film, X3: The Last Stand. I sculpted the model from scratch using various pictures of Famke's face for the facial features. I then imported the 3D sculpture into Autodesk Maya where I began the Retopology and UV Mapping process. Next I sent the high-poly and low-poly models to Substance Painter to bake various maps and create the texture. The model was then taken back into Maya where I created a rig from scratch for the model. I am now working on weight painting and animating the model.
As mentioned at the top of this page, I went through a number of processes for this model. To the right are some screen shots I took during each process (3D sculpted model>retopology>UV Mapping>Baking>Texturing>Weight Painting. (I will post more updates as they progress).
Here are some sample animations I created to test out the skinning for my rig and mesh.